School of Mathematics/Computer Science/Physics

Institute for Mathematics

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Open position

The Institute of Mathematics at the Department of Mathematics/Computer Science/Physics is seeking to appoint a Research Assistant (m/f/d) (Salary level E 13 TV-L, 75%) to commence work on October 1st, 2023 and limited for 3 years.

Conference on Applied Algebra 6.-8.09.2023

Algebraic models play an ever more important role in the mathematical sciences. The path from the fundamental investigation of such models to their application in the real world is a vibrant field of research. The huge impact of data science in our lives calls for a diverse portfolio of approaches, including those from algebra.

The aim of this conference is to make this connection. It brings together researchers working in applied algebra, with particular focus on data science.

Osnabrücker Maryam Mirzakhani Lecture

At the Osnabrück Maryam Mirzakhani Lectures, female mathematicians give a scientific lecture for students, PhD students and all interested parties. After the subsequent scientific discussion in the whole plenary session, the students and PhD students get the opportunity to discuss in a small group with the lecturer topics concerning the scientific career as well as the compatibility of family and career. We hope that these lectures will be perceived by all students as enriching "flashes" from current research and that the format will also encourage female students in particular to consider a scientific career.

Research Unit Data Science startet

The central objective of the research unit is to structurally anchor Data Science as a key technology at the Osnabrück University. The current focus of the work is on the development and application of cognition-, informatics-, and mathematical/statistical-oriented methods to answer central questions of Data Science and closely related areas. In particular, the Research Unit Data Science offers a platform for joint exchange on current topics and issues in research and teaching.