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The Research Group Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
The main research areas of the research group Algebra and Discrete Mathematics are commutative algebra, discrete mathematics and algebraic geometry. The primary research topics are combinatorial commutative algebra, determinantal rings, Cohen-Macaulay rings, toric and tropical geometry, resolution of ideals, vector bundles, Grothendieck topologies, closure operations of ideals, methods in positive characteristics. This group consists of four professors, three post-docs and seven PhD students.
Prof. Dr. Holger Brenner
Prof. Dr. Martina Juhnke-Kubitzke
Christian Ahring
Justus Bruckamp
Daniel Köhne
Fynn Pörtner
Former Members
Dr. Davide Alberelli
Dr. Bayarjargal Batsukh
Dr. Simone Böttger
Dr. Daniel Brinkmann
Jan-Marten Brunink
Dr. Alessio Caminata
Dr. Neil Epstein
Dr. Helena Fischbacher-Weitz
Dr. Bogdan Ichim
Inga Heudtlaß
Dr. Gesa Kämpf
Dr. Almar Kaid
Dr. Lukas Katthän
Dr. Fatemeh Mohammadi
Dr. Julio-José Moyano Fernández
Dr. Peyman Nasehpour
Dr. Dang Hop Nguyen
Dr. Vân Anh Nguyễn Thị
Ilia Pirashvili, Ph. D.
Dr. Danny Arlen De Jesus Gomez Ramirez
Dr. Michael von Thaden
Dr. Sara Saeedi Madani
Dr. Peter Schenzel (Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg)
Dr. Kirsten Schmitz
Dr. Christof Söger
Prof. Dr. Heinz Spindler
Dr. Axel Stäbler
Jonathan Steinbuch
Dr. Phong Thieu Dinh
Dr. Jan Uliczka
Dr. Lorenzo Venturello